The septic tank of your sewage treatment procedure relies on microorganisms underground to function efficiently. These microorganisms can be broadly be categorized as aerobic and anaerobic organisms, meaning those which need oxygen to function and those which can function without oxygen. The aerobic system within your septic tank needs to be provided with sufficient oxygen. Without this, your septic tank will eventually produce sewage which isn’t as well-processed and treated as it should. To ensure the effective functioning of the aerobic system within your septic tank, a septic air blower or a septic aerator pump is necessary.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, aerobic septic tanks take advantage of the aerobic microorganism’s capacity to breakdown waste much more effectively. This ensures that the final effluent leaving the system is much safer as opposed to a traditional septic tank. A septic air blower ensures that the aerobic system has sufficient oxygen present at all times in the process, thus making it the lifeline of the aerobic system of the septic tank. Failure to make use of a septic air blower could have adverse impacts on your local environment, given the quality of the effluent that will be released into it.

In the anaerobic systems of water treatment, there are multiple chambered tanks and multiple stages. The three main stages in anaerobic wastewater treatment set-up are a solid collecting tank, going through the aeration chamber, and then going to the settling tank. A lot of septic tanks also have a fourth stage, where there is disinfection through the use of chlorine or ultra-violet rays. Among these, the aerobic chamber leads to the water that is being treated and discharged better than 98% of clear odorless water. Without this aerobic chamber functioning properly, your septic tank can be considered practically useless.

How a septic air blower works is by using the air compressor to pump air into the septic tanks’ main chamber. Here is it mixes with the solid wastes and wastewater. This process is known as septic tank aeration. It helps in passing on and sustaining the oxygen in the air for the aerobic microorganisms which then pose as a catalyst in breaking down the waste. It has been found that aerobic systems in a septic system are almost 20 times more effective in the breaking down and processing of wastewater as compared to a traditional septic tank.

The septic air blower is the lifeline of your aerobic system. Aerobic systems within septic tanks are designed in a manner where they cannot function without the aerator pump. The septic air blower works within the system of your septic tank in a two-fold manner. Firstly, it helps in the circulation of oxygen within the aerobic system, which helps in providing sufficient oxygen for the aerobic organisms. These are the organisms that breakdown waste much more effectively, as compared to the anaerobic microorganisms within the system. There is also the advantage of the number of aerobic organisms being significantly larger within the system as compared to anaerobic organisms. Secondly, the septic aerator pump also breaks down large soled wastes into much smaller particles. This makes it easier for the aerobic organisms to feed on these particles much easier. This increases the efficiency of the aerobic septic tank.

While trying to understand the importance of the septic air blower within an aerobic system, it is also important to understand what happens without it. If the septic air blower stops working, then within two weeks the septic tank will turn back to being completely anaerobic. Once this happens, your septic system will no longer be able to produce a clear odorless discharge and the quality of the effluent produced will drop. This would imply that your effluent will become much closer to raw sewage, which is harmful to the lakes, lawns, and any surfaces that it is being released into. This makes it absolutely crucial that your septic air blower is functioning.

Within the aerobic system of your septic tank, having a septic air blower to ensure sufficient oxygen levels are present for the aerobic microorganisms is absolutely necessary. Without it, your aerobic septic tank will eventually turn anaerobic and will lose the desired level of safe water treatment.